Everything You Want to Know about the BADT Plus Membership
We have said it before, and we will keep saying it: one of our core BADT values is community. In 2021 we’ve created some new ways for program participants to gather and contribute to the BADT community, which is the center of the ripple which expands out to the families we witness and serve and the local networks we are part of.
This month-- November-- we are launching BADT Plus, a paid membership for BADT program participants, and it would be an honor for you to join us!
BADT Plus is an extension to the amazing community that folks have already been cultivating in our classes and through our community app. BADT Plus connects the members with greater support from mentors, teachers, and leaders within the Birth and Reproductive Health, Wellness, and Justice Community.
Here are the details:
Who: Current and former BADT program participants
What: A paid membership for continuing education
Where: Online via our community app
When: Enrolling now*! (This will be open enrollment so you can join at any time.)
Why: Continue to learn alongside BADT program participants and teachers through exclusive workshops and Q&As, online forums, digital resources, and additional discount codes for BADT swag and offerings.
*The standard price is $99/year or $9.99/month. Founding members who join before November 15th get a one year membership for $79!
More About “Why” You Might Like to Join
• You are a student or alumni of the BADT Community and you'd like to continue learning with teachers you've come to love and dive deeper into topics that you've been curious about.
• You'd like to connect more intimately and ask questions and receive experience + education-based perspectives from the BADT Team, Course Instructors, and Industry Leaders.
• You'd like to attend exclusive in-app workshops, Q&A Sessions, access downloadable educational tools and forms, and discounts to support your continued education and growth as a doula and professional in the birth industry.
More About the Workshops
BADT is committed to uplifting the work of folks who are doing work that aligns with, expands, and enhances our vision. Our monthly workshops within the paid membership will feature folks who are doing transformative work in the birth work field. You will have the opportunity to meet and learn from a wide range of teachers on a wide range of topics.
To kick us off, our Program Director and Lead Teacher, Cedar Rivers, will teach a workshop about facilitating peer to peer spaces.
A Note About “Community”
It’s important that we address some of the nuance around the word community and how we are using it and intending it here. Community is something we build and create together; it’s about the collective. BADT is facilitating this space by planning and offering a range of content. The members co-create the space by showing up, asking questions, sharing insights, and getting to know one another.
That said, BADT Plus membership is a paid space. BADT Plus teachers and facilitators will be compensated for their work. We believe that communities exist in a variety of forms and formats, some free and organic, and others paid and structured, and everything in between. Accessibility is important to us, and we will continue to nurture our community app, in addition to BADT Plus.
Learn More and Join Us
Want to hear why we're excited about BADT Plus? Here's a video from the BADT Program Director, Cedar Rivers sharing a little more about what's happening over these next few months and why he's excited for this space.
If you’re a BADT student and you haven’t yet joined our free community platform, join us to stay up to date on all things BADT. If you’re already there & have questions about BADT Plus membership, get in touch with our lovely community liaison, euni.