Prerecorded Birth & Disability CE Course
This continuing education course provides an introduction to Disability justice and its intersections with reproductive justice.
As doulas and birth workers, we are supporting Disabled people—whether or not we know it—and, many birth workers are, themselves, Disabled.
It is vital to examine the ways in which dominant birth culture exacerbates violence against Disabled folks and Disabled children, and identify where we are complicit in that harm.
What is Disability Justice?
The term disability justice was coined out of conversations between disabled queer women of color activists in 2005, including Patty Berne of Sins Invalid (and Mia Mingus & Stacy Milbern, who eventually united with Leroy Moore, Eli Clare, and Sebastian Margaret) seeking to challenge radical and progressive movements to more fully address ableism.
Disability justice recognizes the intersecting legacies of white supremacy, colonial capitalism, gendered oppression and ableism in understanding how people's’ bodies and minds are labelled ‘deviant’, ‘unproductive’, ‘disposable’ and/or ‘invalid’.
Additionally, Sins Invalid offers the following:
“A Disability Justice framework understands that:
All bodies are unique and essential.
All bodies have strengths and needs that must be met.
We are powerful, not despite the complexities of our bodies, but because of them.
All bodies are confined by ability, race, gender, sexuality, class, nation state, religion, and more, and we cannot separate them.”

This course covers frameworks and models of Disability, centering Disabled narratives and experiences, connections between Disability Justice and Reproductive Justice, and how to make your birth practice access-centered.
As a full-spectrum organization, we prioritize creating courses and offerings that contribute to reproductive justice for all.
Disabled people are often left out of the conversation about reproductive rights and pregnancy care.
This course will cover the history of disability and tools to support disabled people in your community.
The Prerecorded Birth & Disability Continuing Education Complete Course Bundle consists of six (6) lessons:
Foundations, Language, Frameworks, and Models of Disability
Ableism & Sanism: Centering Our Narratives and Experiences
Intersections Between Disability Justice & Reproductive Justice
Disability Care and Access-Centered Practices
Intersections of Race, Crisis Response, and Birth
Parenting A Disabled Child