Using Human Design as Relational Tool for Birth Work

by Davina Williams

Preface: Print your free HD chart and have it with you as you read along (not required but you may find it useful!). You can print your free chart a few places online, but here are some options to start: a) Jovian Archives, b) My Human Design.

What is Human Design?

Human Design, or HD, became widely known in 1987, so it is still a “young child”, but it combines components of ancient systems such as the Hindi Chakra System (HD centers), the Tree of Life (HD channels) from the Kabbalah, astrology (planetary alignments), and the Chinese I’Ching Wheel (HD 64 gates), and pieces of quantum physics (astrology, genetics, biochemistry).

Human Design essentially maps out a “circuit board” or energetic “blueprint” of your soul.

The entire premise of Human Design, in my opinion, is learning how to DECONDITION what we are taught from a young age.

What we are taught as we grow up has a lot to do with our social location, and is so intensely shaped by the capitalist society of the United States. We are taught to work, work, work, we are encouraged to use our brain to guide us, and we are trained to commit to certain responsibilities and roles even when we know they aren’t correct for us. For example, we are told that we must excel in our classes. We feel pressure to  know all of the facts and details we are taught, and after school, we are told to refrain from career changes and stick with a job to gain security. And so on and so forth.

Through Human Design, that little voice inside that knows what’s really true for us gets a microphone, and we can begin to disregard lessons that don’t resonate with us.

Yes, one person may have the energy to sustain a 9 to 5 job and actually prefers that structure instead of the fluidity of say, an entrepreneur, or they may thrive on three square meals a day instead of snacking periodically throughout the day, etc, but the opposite may be true for your neighbor.

Our differences are our power!

Human Design gives us the permission (that we don’t actually need) to be who we are, authentically and unapologetically.

It helps us understand ourselves, come home to ourselves, and understand those around us in a new way.

It can be helpful in relationships as you begin to understand who a person is created to be, authentically. So, in Human Design, we are on a never ending, exciting ride of unlearning, relearning, living our true purpose, letting go of judgment, honoring our space and that of those around us, to live in harmony with the universe and with our true purpose.

How is My Chart Created?

Human Design uses your birth date and time in conjunction with your “design date” which is roughly a little less than 3 months prior to your entrance earthside, to create a full analysis of your personality and design on the conscious and unconscious levels.

In your chart, you will see your design listed on the left, and your personality, which is created at birth, on the right.

All aspects of your chart that are design based are UNCONSCIOUS. This means that you don’t have access to changing or altering them, yet they guide many parts of your life.

All aspects of your chart that are personality based are CONSCIOUS; you are aware of them and can access that knowledge as a reference point.

Your chart is made up of 9 centers, 64 gates, and 36 channels. From there, your chart will show you the following primary components (and A LOT of other specifics that will be too much to go into right now):

  • Energy Type: This is your aura or vibe. 

    • Example: I am a Projector. Projectors are guides; they are really good at working with folks one on one and often see and understand people very deeply quite quickly.

  • Authority: This part of you helps guide decision-making in your life.  

    • Example: I am a Splenic Authority, so my decision making comes from my Splenic center, which communicates through instinct. This shows up as this innate knowing that you can’t quite explain, but when you learn to trust it, it’s incredibly powerful.

  • Profile: Your profile is how your personality shows up. It’s like the role you play in your life. It is made up of 2 numbers from 1-6.

    • Example: I am a 6/2. The 6 is called the “Role Model” and is someone who lives so honestly as themselves that they are an inspiration for others to do so as well, and the 2 is the “Hermit.” Hermits thrive when given alone time, and they can often jump into something and be pretty good at it quite quickly when given that solitude space. 

  • Definitions: (You might want your chart as a visual for this one.) Your chart has 9 centers, and the centers that are colored in are “defined”, whereas those that are left blank are “undefined.” Each center has a lesson and a connection to how your energy flows. Undefined centers are where you absorb external energy from others and where you are able to learn the most lessons. These are your adaptable traits, as they are influenced more easily by things and the people around you. The defined centers, rather, are where you show consistency. They are less inclined to shift based on the energy of people around you.

There are many more pieces (your incarnation cross, channels, gates, etc), but starting with your energy type and authority is a great way to dip your feet in.

Grasping elements of your chart can help you better understand the ways in which you move naturally and authentically through space and time.

How is this Relevant to Birth Work?

I’ve found that, as a doula, much of my role is helping my clients come back to self.

I support them in finding home within their spirit again, trusting themselves, and  leaning in to what feels right.

This process is so inextricably linked to the de-conditioning process of Human Design and, thus, weaving together birth support and Human Design can be a really powerful experience.

Understanding the energetic nuances of our clients, their partner(s), or other key partners in the birth, can really impact how we communicate, how we support, and how we interact with the other members of the birth support team as well, particularly in the way that we advocate for ourselves. So let’s break that down a little more.

Communication Style:

Does your client prefer to have all the details or do they like to leave things up to their imagination? Do they like to have space to talk and process?  Do they want you to provide them with lots of resources so they can go do their research on their own?

Example of this in birth work: You’re at a prenatal meeting and your client prefers to have engaging activities to help them retain the information. They also like to be left with homework to complete. They might have a 1 in their profile, as line 1 is known as the “Investigator” and values research and knowing all the things, as the name suggests.

Decision Making Style:

It is so helpful to identify the energetic pulses that your client is entering into the space with.

How do they like to receive information? Do they like to be asked direct questions or do they thrive more in the gray area space?

A manifesting generator with a sacral authority, for instance, likes to have options to choose from so they can tap into their gut response. In this case, either/or, yes/no questions are really helpful. However, a projector may prefer to be asked open ended questions and really feel seen when you listen intently to their opinion.

Example of this in birth work: A client who likes direct questions may like to be asked something along the lines of “Do you want to put your feet on this stool while you sit on the toilet?” so that your client can tap into what feels right for them at that moment.

Framing this as an open ended question may seem more like “I’m going to put this stool here for you to put your feet on, but I’m really interested in what you’re feeling you might benefit from right now” as it provides space for more conversation and allows you to give them space to take it in a new direction.

Praise and Support:

Human Design can even help you identify what style of praise might feel better to your client.

In Human Design, what is recognized as the "Heart Center" or the "Ego and Willpower" center can be a source of questioning your worth. If your client has an undefined heart center (see explanation above), then they may have a harder time advocating for themselves because they can lean into people pleasing out of an innate desire to feel that their worth is recognized.

Example of this in birth work: Understanding how this center impacts your client can help you read the room and might help you to identify what they need from you as their doula that day, and in that instance.

For instance, a client with a “defined heart center” is strong willed and doesn’t often have trouble feeling worthy, so they may prefer a specific compliment about something they did rather than a phrase like “I’m so proud of you.”

Someone with an undefined heart, in comparison, may find that they thrive with more dialogue that boosts their self-worth such as “I am so proud of you, I know you can do it!”

Where Do I Start?

Human Design certainly has the potential to be a little (a lot) daunting, due to the multiple layers.

However, if you take the time to study each part individually, on your own time, it will begin to form a clearer picture. Don’t rush learning your design. Take it as a fun experiment to expose yourself to as you see fit.

It takes years to decondition unhelpful societal programming, but you can start with learning about your energy type, and leading with curiosity, exploring layer by layer.

I definitely recommend reaching out to well versed and experienced human design readers to learn more about your own chart, and then once you’re familiar with HD, you can talk about it with your clients. If they are interested in incorporating it as a tool in their care, together, you can collaborate in providing them with a new level of personalized care. (Be sure to ask them before you incorporate this lens into your care and only use HD with clients who are open to it!).

My favorite experience as a Human Design Reader is the light bulb moment when folks hear something that resonates so deeply and is a call to a part of them they had forgotten was there, or didn’t even realize was something they were doing so naturally—but then understanding that there is a flow to this, to how we show up, is just incredible and so powerful.

I hope this piece inspires you when the time is right and that you explore more as you are called to!

Here are a few resources to get you started:

Stay Connected

If you’re interested in learning more about your design, you can check out my website to get pricing and book a session, or email me directly at!

You can also book a Human Design session with Sabia Wade, BADT’s founder & lead teacher, here.

Davina Williams is a birth worker and human design reader located in Las Vegas, NV. She is also the Managing Director of The Black Doula ecosystem, which includes Sabia’s brand, Birthing Advocacy Doula Trainings, and For the Village, inc. Davina has over 14 years of administrative experience in operations for both small businesses and a variety of educational spaces and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Child Development. She began her journey in birth work and then found human design as a way of coming back to herself during the global pandemic and has since helped many others do the same. In addition to her work in operations and in the care space, she is a mama of two & is usually spending time with her kids or reading dystopian novels (Parable of the Sower is the absolute fave!).


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